- LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP)
Supported Operating Systems:
- Linux x86, x86-64 (Ubuntu preferred)
Required Extensions:
- 1. GD with Free Font support
- 2. Zlib with zip support
- 3. JSON
- 4. DOM
- 5. cURL function should be enabled
- 6. Mbstring should be enabled
- 7. Iconv function should be enabled
- 8. Fileinfo function should be enabled
- 9. Calendar function should be enabled
- 10. Ioncube Loader
- 11. PHP Composer should be installed
- Memory_limit 32M or more (Some pages with advanced feature may need upto
- 8.0 or greater
- sql_mode - strict_trans_tables should be disabled.
Server Hosting setup:
- Ability to run scheduled jobs.
Ability to override options in .htaccess files
Preferred/Minimum RAM:
- Preferred RAM is 4GB
- In case of AWS (t2.small+ RDS) or (t2.medium) plan is preferred.
We recommend upgrading to T2.medium or T2.large before you start marketing your business. Upgrading AWS hosting instance costs only a fraction of the amount compared to the marketing costs and other direct/indirect costs involved in performance optimization of the solution to run on EC2.micro instance.